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Max Stearns

A Brief Letter to Readers

Dear Readers:

Thank you all for dedicating part of your days to reading this blog. I cannot express how grateful I am. Some of you might have noticed that I have recently posted a bit less frequently. Please be assured that this is not for lack of interest. After a semester of research leave, I found myself suddenly and unexpectedly writing my very first Amicus brief for a pending Supreme Court case (at some point, I'll blog on that), teaching two classes, and working under a very tight production schedule for my forthcoming book, Law and Economics Private and Public (West) (with Todd Zywicki and Tom Miceli). This is all very exciting, but it hasn't left me with much time to blog. These commitments will occupy a great deal of my time through at least mid to late May.

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been delighted to see a wonderful increase in my readership, even while I have lacked time to write new posts. Although those numbers have been impressive, what makes me even happier is the amount of time readers are spending on the blog. (The WIX data disclose, among other data, daily, weekly, monthly averages for time spent). Please be assured that I have not lost any interest in blogging on wide ranging of topics of interest. I will continue to post from time to time while working on these other projects. I also continue, as always, to enjoy reader comments, including ones that are critical. A great benefit of blogging is the ability to engage both with serious ideas and with thoughtful readers, sometimes from far corners of the globe.

We live in interesting and challenging times. Here in the US, the norms surrounding our politics appear to be evolving daily. Overall, it seems, the changes have not been for the better. The base nature of our political discourse, exemplified by the sitting president, is profoundly disconcerting. I do feel compelled to observe that it is not unpatriotic, and certainly not treasonous, to stand, or to sit, in silent opposition of a president whose policies and personal behaviors continuously offend. Among the attributes that make America both great and good are its decency, openness, and willingness to encourage peaceful dissent. Claiming to "joke" that such actions are treasonous is not merely a failure of humor; it is a failure of values. We can, and we must, do better.

Thanks for your patience, and most of all, thanks for your readership.

Best wishes,


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