Max Stearns
Dear Friends:
A while back I was invited to give a remote lecture at the Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad. The lecture took place on March 27, 2021, and the video was just posted on YouTube.
This was a wonderful opportunity to share insights with an audience of faculty and students in India, as well as observers from other parts of the globe. The full lecture is about an hour, and starts about 7 minutes in. This isn't the usual fare that I post, but it is an opportunity for those who might be interested in seeing the specific subject matter, or perhaps even seeing me play the role of lecturer.
Please excuse the occasional minor technical lapses. They all resolve themselves fairly quickly.
Very special thanks to Neha Tripathi, Soumya Rajsingh, and Soumya Thakur, in addition to the other faculty and professional staff who generously helped in coordinating this. It is remarkable to be able to do this all remotely.
Here is the link: