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  • Max Stearns

Professor Mark Graber's Edited Version of the Mueller Reports

My colleague, Mark Graber, is a super-human reader and synthesizer of published source materials related to Constitutional Law and history. As an exceedingly slow reader myself, I am always amazed by this.

I have just finished reading Professor Graber's edited versions of the Mueller report, which are published on Jack Balkin's excellent blog, Balkinization (Blog). I have also scanned, and read parts of, the original reports.

Here are links to Graber's edited versions. The first is about 5 pages; the second is about 10. This is truly outstanding work, and it offers the best quick way to tackle this massive original source material.

In the L&E business, we call this public good. It is by no means Graber's first, and will almost certainly not be his last. Thank you!

Volume I: Conspiracy with Russia

Volume II: Obstruction

Comments are, as always, most welcome.

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